The IGCSE Pseudocode to Python Reference Guide (for IGCSE G1 and G2 students)

LibreOffice does not know my full name. What a shame! DOWNLOAD Revision Six Revision two fixed minor syntax highlighting errors, and added details to the Python half of the functions section for consistency. Revision three added a License, the CC-BY-SA-ND 4.0 International License. all previous versions are also licensed under the same license, if you have it. Revision four fixed inconsistencies in the notes, and fixed minor syntax highlighting errors. ...

October 18, 2024 · 2 min · ezntek

Creating an IGCSE Pseudocode Interpreter (part 1)

Time for the compiler engineer to manifest… For the longest time, I have loved compiler engineering. It just sounded so mesmerizing. Being able to take code and analyze it in a multitude of ways to generate something based off of logical reasoning…all done through an automated program. The possibilities of a pseudocode runtime is endless, I can even self host a compiler on it, eventually! ...

September 18, 2024 · 3 min · ezntek