IGCSE Computer Science: Arrays and Iteration Workbook

DOWNLOAD! here Long time no see! Sorry for not posting so much. My workloads been very very heavy; working on projects like this one. IGCSE CS students, look out for the comprehensive whole-syllabus comp sci revision guide soon! I will release it before mocks. What is this workbook? I wrote it because my comp sci teacher let me volunteer to teach. I happily took the offer due to everybody’s cluelessness (they still cannot assign variables). So far I taught 2d arrays in front of the class, and technically this is an assignment only I was set; to make a worksheet on iteration and arrays. It is now a workbook as people need explanations. ...

February 8, 2025 · 1 min · ezntek

The OFS IGCSE Computer Science G1 Guide to Programming and Logic Gates DOWNLOAD

DOWNLOAD The OFS IGCSE Computer Science G1 Guide to Programming and Logic Gates, Revision Three What is this? I have already released this guide for the G2 students, and since your examination has so much overlap with mine, I have abridged my guide to make it so that you can use some content for your exam as well. This guide covers: The programming stuff The logic gate stuff This guide doesn’t cover: ...

November 6, 2024 · 1 min · ezntek

The OFS IGCSE Computer Science G2 Exam Revision Reference Guide DOWNLOAD

DOWNLOAD The OFS IGCSE Computer Science G2 Exam Revision Reference Guide, Revision Four After much anticipation… It is finally ready, yes, the new CSRG! The TRUE Sequel to the previous one (you can find it here), where I wrote a ~40 page reference to all the topics that would be covered in the upcoming exam. However, that only did so much; this semester we are being tested on a crap ton of stuff: ...

November 5, 2024 · 1 min · ezntek

Don't Write Comments, Write Better Code!

Important Information! If you actually take IGCSE comp sci, ignore everything I say, because the examiners love seeing overcommented code for whatever reason, and they will even give you subjective marks based on if they think there are enough comments or not. To them, “well commented code” is of higher quality, despite if 80% of the code is just paragraphs and paragraphs talking about the meaning of life. Yes, I do have beef with these people. Write better code, comments are not an excuse to write bad code! ...

November 5, 2024 · 9 min · ezntek

The IGCSE Pseudocode to Python Reference Guide (for IGCSE G1 and G2 students)

LibreOffice does not know my full name. What a shame! DOWNLOAD Revision Six Revision two fixed minor syntax highlighting errors, and added details to the Python half of the functions section for consistency. Revision three added a License, the CC-BY-SA-ND 4.0 International License. all previous versions are also licensed under the same license, if you have it. Revision four fixed inconsistencies in the notes, and fixed minor syntax highlighting errors. ...

October 18, 2024 · 2 min · ezntek

Creating an IGCSE Pseudocode Interpreter (part 1)

Time for the compiler engineer to manifest… For the longest time, I have loved compiler engineering. It just sounded so mesmerizing. Being able to take code and analyze it in a multitude of ways to generate something based off of logical reasoning…all done through an automated program. The possibilities of a pseudocode runtime is endless, I can even self host a compiler on it, eventually! ...

September 18, 2024 · 3 min · ezntek

The GIIS Hackathon X - My Experience (the finale)

Foreword Yes, this will take you very long to read because this really should have been 5 parts. These reading time calculations are also quite messed up. Not my fault, click away if you don’t have patience :p Recap As of the last post, I was on day 2, right before the lunch break. I had just (almost) finished writing my article display, and I am now ready to start connecting the API. Everything else works just fine. ...

August 3, 2024 · 21 min · ezntek

The GIIS Hackathon X - My Experience (part 3)

Intro & Recap As of August 1st, I have been quite busy over the past few days. I went out with friends, and a lot of new hardware parts arrived, such as SOIC-8 clips (that I had to assemble), my T440p keyboard (finally!!), and other such things. This explains why I haven’t uploaded part 3 yet, but here it finally is! Some source code examples might deviate from the actual source code at https://github.com/ezntek/foodscroller for clarity sake. ...

August 1, 2024 · 14 min · ezntek

The GIIS Hackathon X - My Experience (part 2)

Recap If you haven’t checked the first article out, please do here. This article will cover mainly the events on day one, along other appropriate stories fit for this article. Source code shown is in the state that it is in right now (i.e. the complete app). I only set up git later on in the development process due to time reasons. Some components may not be explained, that is to be expected. ...

July 29, 2024 · 10 min · ezntek

The GIIS Hackathon X - My Experience (part 1)

Why? In the student homebase representative group chat, there arrived a message. A certain message leading people to visit a certain site. That would be this. This would be a hackathon. An event where programmers (or non programmers) (foreshadowing) would come together and code in teams while competing with other teams to win prizes and recognition from other programmers in the event. Usually, one would have to pay for these kinds of events, but this one was actually free. And held close to my home. So I decided, why not? I’d just have to go to the Global International Indian School that my peers who came from that school had said great things about. Could anyting go wrong? ...

July 26, 2024 · 9 min · ezntek